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Incorporated in 1985, NEHSA works with, and on behalf, of children, families staff and Early Head Start/Head Start programs located throughout Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. In partnership with parent and staff representatives from each New England State as well as with staff from the Office of Head Start's Regional Office, the New England Head Start Association (NEHSA):
-Provides a forum for networking, shaping public policy, and the delivery of training to promote high quality services for children and families.
-Fosters communications and share best practices among programs in the region.
-Works to inform policies that impact the Head Start and Early Head Start communities in the region and nationally.

The New England Head Start Association (NEHSA) is a membership-based non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.





Head Start is a Federally funded program that provides young children under the age of five (5) with a variety of child and family supports including child development/education, health (physical, dental, mental), nutrition, family engagement and social services. Parents are an important part of Head Start and every program encourages parents in their role as their child's first and most important teacher.

Every Head Start program must meet the Head Start Performance Standards which outlines the provisions necessary for a safe and nurturing learning environment for young children. Each program is able to determine how to meet these standards in the manner that will best meet its community needs.

Visit the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) to learn more about Head Start.


Peter Masters conceptualized the National Head Start logo in 1965. He used building blocks (common play toys and learning tools) as a metaphor for the development and growth of children through Head Start. To reflect the fact that Head Start is a national program operated by the Government, Masters added a representation of the American flag. He chose red and white stripes and an arrow, printed in reverse on a blue background. The arrow is the common denominator of all antipoverty programs and symbolizes upward mobility.

  • The two squares represent early childhood by suggesting building blocks.

  • The arrangement of the blocks represent stairs by which this can be accomplished.

  • The vertical stripes represent the child and parent.

  • The arrow pointing upward represents the direction out of poverty and on to the future.

  • The colors, red, white, and blue represent the United States and the many opportunities it provides for its citizens.


Learn more about NEHSA by browsing through our annual reports, checking out our tax documents, or seeing how we're on the front lines of making sure Head Start regulations  best serve our programs and our children.


W-9 NEHSA                           

Head Start Timeline         

NEHSA Annual Report 2018-2019 


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